Week 51 of gratitude


Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.” – Steve Manaboli

Not quite gratitude but its a positive thought. How about I saw this quote on Dreaming of Guatemala and it was a reminder that I needed to make me feel more positive so I’m grateful for that!


Happy wedding anniversary to my sister and her husband 🙂 yes it snowed a lot that day, but it didn’t stop their day of happiness 🙂


Christmas lights always make me feel happy, I love the touch of brightness they add to the darkness.


While my boss is on holiday I’m ‘in charge’ today has been full of challenges but I feel like I’m learning more about being a team leader and how to solve problems.


I survived my first week as boss! And only one day left at work before Christmas 🙂


Finally sold one of my bigger things on gumtree yayyyyyyy so that’s money to pay my food bill and remainder of Christmas presents (yes I went present shopping three days before Christmas)


went to my first ever christingle service, complete with candles and carols, it was so pretty!